نقدم لكم اليوم ملخص في تخصص علاج الجذور رائع جداً من اعداد ونشر د احمد حمدان وايضاً بمساعدة د ابراهيم عودة
محتويات ملخص الاندو
1- Root Canal Anatomy
2- C Shape Canal
3- Vital And Non-Vital Pulp Therapy
4- Abscess VS Cellulitis
5- Ludwig’s Angina
6- Average Teeth Length
7- Average of root completion
8- Types of file motions and cross sections
9- Files vs gates glidden
10- Taper & Diameter of file
11- Pulp diagnosis
12- Single visit vs multiple visit RCT
13- Access cavity
14- Denin map and isthumus
15- Erro of access cavity
16- Access Cavity design
17- Working Length Determination using X-ray
18- Apex locator
19- Mechanical Preparation
20- Irrigation
21- Irrigation
22- Obturation
23- Intracanal Medication
24- Management Of Calcified Canal
25- Vital Pulp Therapy
26- Pulpotomy
27- Apexogenesis
28- Apexification
29- Pulp Revascularization
30- Summary of vital pulp therapy
31- Emergency Treatment
32- Intra-pupal anesthesia
33- Dental trauma
34- Root Fracture
35- Endodontic Mishaps
36- Treatment Strategies Of Endo. Treated Teeth
37- Post & Core
38- Ferrule Effect
39- Crack
40- Endo-Perio. Diseases
41- Root Resorption
42- Apicectomy
43- Bicuspidization, root amputation, Hemisection
44- Antibiotics
45- Endodontic Rotary
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